Alan Figg | 58 Years of dedicated designs celebrating Xmas
Ace lino-cutter Alan Figg has designed a Christmas Card for print every year since 1962 . This is a chance to see these designs and prints show-casing Alan’s mastery of the process. There are brief flirtations with designing for line blocks, etchings and mezzotints before returning to his proven media of relief printing. As his Christmas list began to expand it became impractical to print by hand. Much larger linoblocks were used to proof the initial design. These were then reduced in size, coloured digitally and printed commercially.

Our Pakistan Connections
Swansea Print Workshop has a rich history of working with printmakers from Pakistan. Sameera Khan, originally from Islamabad was Studio Manager for three years and she was the catalyst for a whole range of creative exchanges between our two cultures. This exhibition shows some of the work produced by our visiting artists, members and participants in workshops over the years as a result of these links and demonstrates how enriching this process was for all participants.

20 Years of printmaking at Swansea Print Workshop
This exhibition illustrates a timeline of artistic activity and a journey of discovery and innovation through the medium of print. Artists have worked with Swansea Print Workshop in many roles: members, invited artists, artists in residence, workshop leaders, workshop participants, sponsors and through collaborative projects with other printworkshops. This is a collection of prints by some of these artists illustrating the breadth of creative opportunities offered by printmaking processes.